Friday 11 July 2014

Growth Economy

The Manufacturing sector is one of the important sectors to the growth of the any country’s economy. This manufacturing key productivity indicator generated is most useful and serve as an easy and quick reference for companies to review on the current status of productivity performance for the manufacturing sector and its sub-sectors.

Companies are able to compare their productivity performance against industry averages and review the status by different period such as monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly for monitoring purposes and comparison.

With this sector as the most important backbones of the economy, even though the trend of growth has been steadily declining. The global competitiveness of the industry has driven many multinational companies to look for other alternative manufacturing avenues, particularly China. Perhaps, it is just true that some
Countries should set the tempo to Towards Global Competitiveness’. The aim is to achieve global competitiveness through innovation and transformation of the manufacturing and service sectors.

In order to achieve this transformation, there is a need for high quality human capital, a workforce that is skilled, creative, ICT-abled as well as physically, mentally and spiritually strong.
With this in one hand, currently manufacturer is prioritising the development of the high technology sector as part of the strategies to sustain economic growth and to tide over with stiffer global challenges. It is also to boost competitive edge and economic resilience.

Many countries had develops various strategies to foster new growth areas in manufacturing industry, electrical and electronic industry, medical device industry, textiles and apparel industry, machinery and equipment industry, metal industry, transport equipment industry, petrochemicals industry, pharmaceutical industry, wood based industry, rubber products industry, oil-palm based industry, food process industry.

Cchallenges’ of Manufacturing Industry:

Intensifying global competition and rapid advancement of manufacturing technology are two realities in today’s business environment. These have combined to shift the business strategic priorities toward quality, cost-effectiveness and responsiveness to marketplace changes.

Increasingly, manufacturers have recognized that timely positioning of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and improvements in the Management of Human Resources are the key elements in competing favorably in the world market.

With the involvement of AMT, such as robotics, computer-aided design and manufacturing, flexible manufacturing system, group technology, etc. applies high-technology development in microelectronics and computer technology to enhance manufacturing capabilities.
Among the frequently-cited benefits of AMT include reduced direct labor costs, reduced product development time, reduced inventory, more efficient layout and use of machinery, reduce floor space requirements, better quality, less waste, improved productivity, shorter manufacturing lead time and quicker response to market shifts.

The global "Total AMT" market is expected to grow at a 5.1% compound annual growth rate during the next five years from nearly $50 billion in 2003 to more than $64 billion in 2008. With this growth in one end manufacturers are expected to remain cautious, since the plant equipment capital expenditures are projected to increase modestly in mainly in up keeping / maintain.
Day by day, equipment break down is becoming a very serious problem for the manufacturing industries. Manufactures lose lot of money in repairing the equipment with rise in parts price, labor’s salary, down time & reject products.
Increasing in the equipment down time further increase the loss cause when spare parts are not available on time & UN trained maintenance personal in which cause products delivery cannot be made on time.
With all this loses manufacturer face difficulty to maintain in the market. To avoid all this loses equipment need to be maintain before it break down by improving and maintain the Overall Equipment Efficiency. This can be achieving through continuous monitoring & maintenance in order to achieve the common goal of the company in which is the QUALITY

Qualitative analysis of success factors critical to AMT adoption and implementation has been dealt with extensively, unfortunately the result shown many critical success factors those associated with the HUMAN are the main cause in failure of AMT.

Problem faced by Manufacturer:

The main Human factor which caused the AMT failure is Careless or Ignorant in Handling due to Insufficient Lubrication, Faulty adjustment, Racing, Overheating, Wear or breakage of parts. Studies showed this failure originated from workers who do not have knowledge on what they are with like machine operation & product it makes and strong technical back ground.

All this can be minimized or totally eliminated by having a worker who has the ability to increased MTBB, reduced MTTR in order to increase the OEE by:

  • understand the machine operation well
  • read the machine mechanical drawing
  • interpret the electrical circuit & PLC programming
  • understand the function & operation of electro pneumatics / hydraulics system
  • improve the machine operation system

Qualified technical personnel are required by manufacturers because of the following reasons:
  • Use of more automation in machine:
             complexity, multi system, unique machines

  • Increased cost of repair:
             labor, parts, downtime

  • Lost in production capacity:
             out of specification product, line shut down

 “Qualified technical personnel are a fundamental component in current production systems. They are able to anticipate eventualities that no software or hardware is capable of emulating. They improvise, intercept problems and make things possible…..”

Scope of Technology:

Since the beginnings of the industry, the automation of production processes is one of the aspects that have evolved most. This evolution becomes possible thanks to the integration of classic technologies like mechanics and electricity with modern ones (electronics, computer science, communication, etc.).
This integration of technologies is represented in the so-called “Growth of Automation”, which includes:
  • Field Level (Sensors, Actuators, Hardware),
  • Control Level (PLC, PC, PID),
  • Supervision Level (SCADA network),
  • Planning Level (Manufacturing Execution System) and
  • Management Level (Enterprise Resource Planning) and they are interrelated by means Industrial Communication.

The evolution of automated industry and the technological integration are the two phenomena, which have forced a rethinking of the work carried out in industrial plants. Tasks were once manual are now automated; and companies seek qualified technicians. who have:

Knowledge in

Skills in

  • Pneumatics / Electro-pneumatics
  • Hydraulics / Electro-hydraulics
  • Fluid Control
  • Electrical / Electronics
  • Sensors
  • Electric Actuators
  • PLC’s
  • Robotics
  • Industrial Communication
  • Computer Science

  • Analyzing
  • Installation / Assembly
  • Diagnosis and repair of failures
  • Interpretation and elaboration of documentation
  • Programming
  • Decision –Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Principles of industrial networks
  • Interaction with graphical interfaces

The new manufacturing environment requires that specialization mechanical, electronics, etc.) is no longer sufficient and the technicians should be able to develop a series of professional skills to interact with technologies and to able to develop his/her work efficiently.

Technologies Are Not Isolated:

The rapid development in production processes, orientated to the increase in productivity and to the quality of the product, has given rise to tasks in automation that was previously carried out manually.

This fact, together with the integration of technologies found in automated processes, creates a high demand for qualified technical staff.
·         Do you or your technical personnel possess the degree of qualification required?
·         Are you or your technicians / engineers prepared for the present and future industrial reality?


Increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness by:

  • Increasing an individual’s educational level by 10% increases productivity by 8.6%;
  • Increasing an individual’s work hours by 10% increases productivity by 6.0.
  • Increasing capital stock by 10% increases productivity by 3.2%.

The Development of Human Resources:
To overcome the manufacturer problem the Human resource need to upgrade the capabilities of the labour force of the nation and allow progression into more difficult and more skill-intensive occupations.
To do this as well as upgrade efficiency of the workforce, there must be an adequate supply of professional, technical, skilled, managerial and research manpower via an effective HRD programme.
With all this growth, changes and challenges countries need to gear up to face the happenings in future. The must acquire high level of knowledge and skill in order to fill the position and share the country’s wealth.


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